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Author: Arul Gunalan

Love Drupal? You Need To Attend Our Drupal 8 Sprint!

Love Drupal? You Need To Attend Our Drupal 8 Sprint!

Drupal is not just a CMS, it's one of the most passionate communities where we evolve together. At Innoppl, we embrace the Drupal way of life and encourage developers to unite and contribute. So, here we are, looking to start a brand new year with a Drupal 8 sprint in Chennai on Jan…

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Innoppl Magento Meetup Chennai 2017

Visit Us At The Chennai Magento Meetup

We're so excited to welcome all you Magento-ites for our Chennai Magento meetup. As Magento 2 is increasing its hold in the eCommerce market with its exceptional features that greatly proves to increase website performance and user experience, we'd love to discuss with the Chennai community about Magento 2 and your experience. Join…

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iOS Meetup

Innoppl India Is Organizing An iOS Meetup!

We are thrilled and excited to announce our next meetup on SWIFT 3.0 in Chennai! Our passionate iOS developers would love to discuss in detail everything about SWIFT 3.0 and help the iOS community benefit greatly from the latest releases and technologies. Over the years, we have helped many companies across multiple industries…

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Innoppl India Is Organizing A Magento Meetup!

Innoppl India Is Organizing A Magento Meetup!

We’re glad to announce that we’re organizing our first Magento meetup in Chennai! There is a small but passionate Magento community in our city, and we would like to contribute in any way we can. Our developers have been involved in various Magento projects in different parts of the world for many years…

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Innoppl India Is Organizing A Drupal Meetup In Chennai

Innoppl India Is Organizing A Drupal Meetup In Chennai!

Innoppl India is proud to be organizing a Drupal meetup, here in Chennai! Our Drupal developers have written thousands of lines of code, and worked on several projects in industries such as eCommerce, Government, Education, Entertainment and Healthcare. We know what it takes to create and maintain a Drupal site, as well as…

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Android N Is Now Android Nougat

Google Just Revealed Its Moniker For Android N

And we got it right! We knew it would be Nougat, ever since Hiroshi Lockheimer gave us that nutty clue (His epic signoff on his blog post announcing Andoid N was "What does the N stand for? We're nut telling you"). This version of Android is in its second beta, and is largely…

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Drupal Sprint

We’re Organizing a Drupal Sprint, To Give Back

Start:  2016-03-19 10:00 - 16:30 Asia/KolkataOrganizers: Innoppl IT Services Pvt. Ltd.Event type:  Sprint Invitation: Hey Drupallers, DrupalCon Asia has come and gone and it was one hell of an event. It’s pumped us up with all this ‘Drupal energy’ and we MUST DO something about it! Our initial attempt to keep the Drupal spirits up was a…

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DrupalCon Asia: My D8 with the Drupal Community

DrupalCon Asia: My D8 With The Drupal Community

“The best open source community on the planet,” proclaimed Danese Cooper during her keynote on Saturday. After witnessing the energy, enthusiasm and camaraderie at the Drupal Conference over the weekend, we had to agree with her. "The best open source community in the world!" - Danese Cooper keynote @DrupalConAsia @drupal #dcasia #DrupalCon pic.twitter.com/KO0GemItS7—…

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Innoppl at DrupalCon Asia – Day 2

Innoppl at DrupalCon Asia – Day 2

Pre- Keynote and DriesNote Day 2 of DrupalCon began with all of us in high spirits. With DriesNote (the keynote by legendary Drupal founder Dries Buytaert) in the morning and several Drupal pros scheduled to talk on various stages for rest of the day, the turnout was higher than Day 1. We were…

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Mobile India: The Prime Mover of Internet Usage

Mobile India: The Prime Mover of Internet Usage

India is no longer a minority player in the world mobile market. According to this study by Counterpoint, India has overtaken USA to become the second-largest smartphone market in the world, behind China.  The study goes on to say that the smartphone user base in India reached an astounding 220 million as of…

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